Where a company decides to represent its home country at a global scale event, usually, in addition to a full understanding of its responsibility for the made decision, it sets business goals before itself.
By this article, we aim to relate it to you, what EXPO-2020 is to the Avitar Company, why it is an honorable mission to us, not an ordinary “attendance of an exhibition.” Our mission is to show the entire world how important the legal and human right is in the development of digital technologies.
EXPO-2020 is the largest show of achievements of various countries in the field of culture and innovative technologies. This unique world-scale event is held in the Arab world for the first time ever.
EXPOes elsewhere in the world have been held for many years now. Each event is dedicated to a specific topic intended to change the world for the better. This year the Dubai Expo theme is this: “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” and it is divided into three areas:
Ukraine will participate in an EXPO for the first time in its history. When we learned, what the main idea of EXPO-2020 in Dubai is and when we felt the closeness to us of this concept, we just comprehended that we cannot miss this event.Why is it so?
By being engaged in the provision of legal services in the international markets and by being active for many years in the field of compliance and protection of personal data, we realized that our own values (of accessibility, development and transparency) do coincide with the topic of EXPO-2020.
We are convinced in that the User Friendly format is the future. A communication between companies and users shall be based upon the principles of transparency, accessibility and integrity.
This means that the relations between businesses and users shall be transparent and trust-based not because businesses are afraid to be subjected to penalties but because the parties understand and respect each other.Each country participating in EXPO-2020 could choose a priority theme for its exhibition stand. For some countries, it all boils down to culture, traditions and history. For some other countries, it is innovations and technologies.
The patrons of EXPO-2020 are the people who come to the UAE from all over the world to see the future. Some of them may be focused on interesting traditions, while others’ primary interest may be business. The exhibition stand of Ukraine is focused on business. People are interested in our business models, legal solutions and innovations.
We were interested in the UAE market even before we decided to participate in EXPO-2020.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) have an evolving legal system that has been modernized fast over the recent years. Overall, their legal system is a civil law system that is influenced by the Sharia (Islamic Law). Along with federal legislation of the UAE, each of the emirates within the UAE has its own laws and regulations in the fields not covered by federal laws.
Largely, the laws concerning privacy are being harmonized with the EU standards, even though now they are not as stringent as in Europe.
As of today, the UAE is actively upgrading its legislation in the field of cryptocurrencies. Licenses to conduct activities in the field of cryptocurrencies are issued.
The UAE has a high level of development of cybersecurity. However, the knowledge levels in this area are low.
In September instant, literally a few days before the opening of EXPO-2020, the UAE Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) jointly with the Dubai World Trade Center Authority (DWTCA) decided to facilitate trade in digital assets and related financial transactions as part of the jurisdiction of the DWTCA Free Zone. This agreement sets up the foundation for the new system under which the DWTCA shall issue authorizations and license financial transactions and firms that use cryptographic currencies as part of their operations.
In the UAE, businesses and the government have close ties. The closeness of businesses to the royal family allows them not just to set goals and make decisions but even to change legislation.
In the UAE, one immediately notices that people pay attention in the first place to human relations, and only after that they heed business matters.
They evaluate business matters as they are but they try to feel out people.
Business relations in the UAE are built gradually and for a long time. Then, after the relations are established, the matters progress very fast. Probably, this approach helped create this “paradise in the desert.” One of the main features of the business climate in the UAE is the establishment of long-term relations with partners.
However weird this may seem within the context of a story about one of the richest world countries, people are the focus and the financial gain is secondary.This is something that is also very close to us as a concept.
EXPO-2020 will be held until 03/31/2022.
However, even today we may state that the UAE market is very interesting to us as a law firm that is prepared to implement new standards of privacy and compliance within the UAE ecosystem and help its businesses, given the peculiarities of the character and lifestyles of people in this country.