Ultimate legal solutions for online business

About Us
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We are a law firm founded by product-IT lawyers, that are here to lay the foundation for the sustainable development of your digital business

We specialize in supporting emerging IT companies that are entering the British, EU and US markets and such platforms as the App Store, Google Play and Google Ads. We create a solid legal background for the operation and development of online businesses

Partnership is the fundamental asset
Євген Савельєв - Керуючий партнерМирослав Хмарський - Партнер

Take advantage of our expertise to:

логотип Avitarлоготип Avitar
Safely integrate the tools needed for operating the digital businesses (such as websites, apps, payment systems, social media, CRM systems, etc)
логотип Avitarлоготип Avitar
Ensure compliance with local and international regulations
логотип Avitarлоготип Avitar
Enhance internal business processes by ensuring adherence to legal requirements
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

We know how to avoid and escape pressure from regulatory bodies. Our team has experience in handling class action lawsuits and disputes in the U.S. and the EU, as well as expertise in implementing the Data Protection standards (GDPR and CCPA) for products and companies with millions of users

І черговість важлива.

For us, it all starts with people. It is vital that our service business has people's interests at its core

We make our decisions prioritizing your goals over the business's goals. It doesn't matter whether you require more speed and less red tape or just want to ensure compliance, we will do as the situation and the law demand it.

For us, people are not only our team, clients, and their employees. We go beyond our primary scope to contribute to society: we hire from among the elderly, we support social initiatives and encourage clients to comply with the new standard of web sites "User Friendly 2.0"


Next, we study your business model, learn your goals and understand your internal processes

Thanks to our expertise and experience with IT companies, we have a profound understanding of how your business operates. That is why working with us is faster and easier: we do not constantly bother clients with trivial questions, and instead get straight to the point and produce results.

We understand how and where value is created in IT, so we know which legal decisions will adversely affect it and which, on the contrary, will remove obstacles and allow the company to grow safely

Двоє чоловіків тиснуть одне одному руку

Our clients, that number over a 100, appreciate us for providing clarity in our services, a unique expertise, as well as safe and creative solutions

Our decisions are strictly dependent on the aforementioned principles: we offer exactly what you need to make your business compliant according to your goals


Для нас все починається з людей. Нам важливо розвивати сервісний бізнес в  центрі якого  є    людина

І не важливо, чи потрібні вам швидкість змін і зменшення бюрократії або лише зовнішня відповідність. Ми зробимо так, як вимагатиме ситуація, відповідно до закону.

Люди для нас — це не тільки наша команда, клієнти та їхні співробітники. Ми беремо участь у розвитку суспільства і за межами нашої діяльності: залучаємо людей похилого віку до роботи в команді, допомагаємо соціальним проектам і закликаємо клієнтів до відповідності новому стандарту вебсайтів "User Friendly 3.0"


Далі, ми вивчаємо вашу бізнес модель, дізнаємося мети і розбираємося у внутрішніх процесах

Завдяки нашій експертизі та досвіду роботи в ІТ-компаніях, ми розуміємо як працює ваш бізнес зсередини. Саме тому робота з нами швидше і простіше: менше смикаємо по дрібницях, але даємо більше конкретики і результата. Ми розуміємо як і де створюється цінність в ІТ.

Тому знаємо, які юридичні рішення негативно вплинуть на неї, а які, навпаки, приберуть перепони і дозволять компанії безпечно рости

Двоє чоловіків тиснуть одне одному руку

Наші рішення строго залежать від попередніх пунктів — пропонуємо рівно стільки, скільки потрібно, щоб зробити бізнес комплаексним згідно вашим цілям

Понад 100 компаній цінують в нас: чіткість в дотриманні процедур, унікальну експертизу і наші безпечні і творчі рішення

The list of our clients includes
Логотип Happy MondayЛоготип MacUpdateЛоготип BonuzЛоготип EfforiaЛоготип Smart ExpertЛоготип AdaptiqЛоготип Progress Platformunescozakaz.uaЛоготип KalicubePromo RepublicBookimedclarioGSC Game worldRadioactivefilmЛоготип VolumoOberigPineHackenVintageMackeeperHave a restSollarЛоготип WorkeeЛоготип exist.uaЛоготип AlfaЛоготип dressxЛоготип re:water
логотип Avitar

This is what we do

Services and industries

Іконка біла стрілочка вправо
Our Services
Іконка стрілка вправо

Here's what we do, at a glance

паттерн Avitarпаттерн Avitar
Data Protection / GDPR / CCPA / HIPPA
Bringing the company into compliance with international regulations in the area of personal data protection: GDPR (EU), CCPA (US), UK Data Protection Act, etc. Ensuring proper implementation of internal processes according to the relevant legislation
IP Assets management and Protection
We help companies to implement appropriate measures of protecting its assets, which are crucial in sustaining steady growth and generation of income. This includes IP transfer, Trademark registration, illegal IP usage protection, etc
E-commerce Compliance
We bring your marketing and e-commerce activities in compliance with international laws and regulations, including the FTC Act in the US, EU Consumer Protection law, Apple, Facebook, and Google guidelines, etc
Accessibility Compliance (WCAG / ADA)
Within this service, we put together personalized recommendations for your digital products in order for them to become accessible for people with different levels of disabilities. Ensuring compliance with WCAG 2.0 and the "Americans with Disabilities Act"

Business Partners

In order to raise awareness of creating a pure and сompliance Internet space, we create partnerships with strong organizations that are also interested in this
Diya businessЛоготип IT Ukraine AssociationKharkiv IT clusterMerezhaUsfwtechUkrainian Bar AssociationLviv IT clusterPaycore ioЛоготип ec docЛоготип UN global compactЛоготип UDCЛоготип incluenceЛоготип Ops lab

We've put our soul into these projects, as we want to contribute to the better "today"

IT Ukraine Association

IT Association of Ukraine

We are a member of the IT Association of Ukraine, the largest IT community in the country, representing the interests of over 85,000 IT professionals. Together, we strive to ensure favorable conditions for the sustainable development of the information technology sector in Ukraine. Membership in the IT Association of Ukraine allows us to be part of a powerful community of IT specialists and companies, influence the development of the IT industry in Ukraine, access legal, PR, and educational support, participate in important projects and initiatives, and promote Ukraine as a technological nation on the international stage.

Participants Expo2020

Participants EXPO2020

In 2021, Avitar together with other participants represented Ukraine at the world exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai (UAE).Pavilions of 192 countries were presented in Dubai. The exhibition ran from October 2021 to March 2022. EXPO 2020 was supposed to take place in 2020, but due to the pandemic, the dates were changed. The area of the exhibition was 438 hectares. The budget allocated for the implementation is 7 billion US dollars. All expositions were united around the idea of sustainable development of a "new innovative and mobile society" that exists in harmony with nature.At EXPO 2020, Avitar presented a concept that emphasizes that "smart cities", "digital processes", gadgets and any online resources today must be, above all, safe for the user from the point of view of personal data protection, which is an integral part of sustainable development of Ukraine and the world community.

Law and the orders of the planet online

Literary contest "Law and order of the planet ONLINE" #avitarartstory

Since 2020, on the Booknet platform, we have held an annual literary contest where Ukrainian authors write stories on topics related to the Internet, as well as legal and human norms and rules that operate in the virtual world. 

Every year, the stories become more and more interesting, and each work reveals something new to us. The winners receive prizes from Avitar, and we are proud to support the literary future of Ukraine.

Support for the school of drones

Support for the School of Drones

UA Drone School is a drone school in Kyiv and the Kyiv region, where defenders of Ukraine study. In the first days of the war, the Ukrainian army was faced with a shortage of professional operators, and fighters with the need to operate a drone without training. The Army's need for qualified UAV operators has become obvious.

It is clear that when you train such specialists, you do not have the time and opportunity to think about legal nuances. But they are very important during the war.
Support for the Drone School is another of our contributions to the victory of Ukraine.


CREED: Reviving the Ukrainian Nation

Together with the CREED scholarship platform, we support talented children whose families have suffered from the war. No child in the world should ever know what war is.

With CREED, we help children realize their dreams and talents, allowing them to continue pursuing their passions. We sow kindness to nurture young talents and inspire children's interests.

We help old people

We help old people

We used to think that there is nothing worse than being left in old age without the attention and care of loved ones. It turns out that there is something that is even scarier. This is a situation when you yourself cannot take care of yourself, and there is a war going on all around. 

We help the elderly from the Veterans' Home, trying to make their lives a little better.

We work with students

We work with students

On a permanent basis, we, as lecturers, speakers, trainers and mentors, participate in events for students. These are events of the Kharkiv UBA League, School of the Future, etc.

At the same time, we understand that students will acquire the profession of lawyer at the university. But to become high-class specialists and spiritually developed people, understand themselves and start their own business - all this is the task of Avitar.

Pro bono project

Pro bono projects

It is believed that providing one-time assistance is not so difficult. This requires time, professionalism and the desire of a specialist. It is much more difficult to provide pro bono services on a regular basis. 

For us, pro bono is not just "doing something for free", it means supporting those who share our values, helping those who strive to achieve results in their activities for the benefit of Ukraine.

Charitable Foundation "Zhiznelub"

The "Zhiznelub" Charitable Project has a division called "Trudolyub", which helps people of pre-retirement and retirement age to find employment opportunities. We are very proud of the fact that we hire people who have the necessary experience and knowledge, but are often facing denial due to their social status. We believe that their age doesn't in any way diminish their value as professionals.

That is why we decided to welcome such a person to our team. And we are very happy to have Violetta with us.

Combine legal and design language #avitarartdesign

We have created a creative competition with a cash prize for everyone who can or wants to draw, so that everyone has the opportunity to express themselves creatively and show in the language of design how he sees IT law. Without limits, restrictions and usual forms. Only pure creativity and flow. We received 11 works. The competition lasted one month. That was cool! Thank you to the participants.

School of the Future Charitable Foundation

The AVITAR team participates in various charity events, but we are not talking about each of them. This is a special charity event where we sponsored and donated books on hygiene and protection from COVID-19 for blind children. Special thanks to the School of the Future Charitable Foundation and Tatiana Movchanyuk.

Law and the orders of the planet online

Literary contest "Law and order of the planet online" #avitarartstory

This is a literary competition together with the online book service "Buknet".
The topic of writing the story "The law and order of the planet online." We received 62 stories from participants. Each story opened a new world, new views. There were both small and large works. The competition lasted one month.

Media mentions
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