
Protection Against Online Fraud and Fraudulent Schemes: Legal Measures for Protection

In today's world, the growth of Internet technologies and online business is accompanied by an increase in cases of fraud and fraud. Advertising fraud is a type of fraud aimed at stealing personal data, disguising fake ads as advertisements for well-known products, and stealing advertising budgets.

Fraudsters cause losses not only to financial institutions, but also to ordinary users, businesses and Internet platforms. To combat these threats, legal authorities and businesses take a number of protective measures. Here are some of them:

1. Strict Regulation and Legislation

Many countries are implementing strict laws to combat online fraud and online fraud. These laws include penalties for cybercrime, data protection requirements and mandatory incident reporting.

2. Effective Law Enforcement

Governments work with law enforcement agencies to identify and prosecute cybercriminals. This can include the investigation, apprehension and punishment of criminals.

3. Mandatory Two-Factor Authentication

To increase security, Internet platforms require users to use two-factor authentication when logging into their account. This makes it more difficult for fraudsters to gain unauthorized access to accounts.

4. Fraud Detection Systems

Companies use specialized software solutions to detect fraud and fraud. These systems analyze data and detect suspicious activity, allowing for a quick response to possible threats.

5. Education and Awareness

It is important to educate users and consumers about online scam and fraud techniques. This helps raise awareness and prevent you from falling prey to scammers.

6. Cooperation between Sectors

Governments, companies and civil society organizations work together to share information and develop strategies to combat online fraud. This helps reduce risk and improve cybersecurity performance.

Example of Online Scam: Phishing Scam


Phishing is a form of online fraud in which criminals attempt to obtain sensitive information from users, such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information, by appearing to send legitimate communications that contain phishing links or attachments.


1. Phishing e-mail: The user receives an e-mail that appears to be legitimate, for example, from a bank, with a request to update their data. The email contains a link to a fake bank web page where the user must enter their personal details. This data is then used by fraudsters to steal money or personal identification.


1. Caution: Users should be careful not to click on links or download attachments from emails from unknown or questionable sources. If the letter looks suspicious, it is better to check the information directly on the official website of the organization.

2. URL Validation: Before entering sensitive information, users should ensure that the web page they are accessing has a secure connection (https://) and corresponds to the domain of a known and trusted organization.

3. Use of Anti-Virus Software: Users should have up-to-date anti-virus software that can recognize and block phishing websites and monitor suspicious email attachments.

4. User Education: Educating users on how to recognize phishing attacks and how to behave safely online is an effective way to protect against phishing.

Warning, vigilance and education play an important role in protecting users from phishing attacks and other forms of online fraud.

Protection against online fraud and fraudulent schemes requires a comprehensive approach that includes legislative, technical and educational measures. Only with the joint efforts of governments, businesses and consumers can we ensure safety and trust in the online environment.

If you have any questions about the protection of personal data on the Internet, please contact Avitar.

If you have questions regarding data protection, please contact us. 

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Serhii Floreskul


Violetta Loseva


6.16.2024 15:51
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