E-commerce Compliance

Documents for websites and applications
Compliance of Marketing Materials
Assistance with reducing the Chargeback Rate
App Store and Google Play Market Compliance
Сontact us
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unescozakaz.uaЛоготип АZPromo RepublicBookimedIdea.meClarioPaycore ioRadioactivefilmmackeeperMorzaPine
unescozakaz.uaЛоготип АZPromo RepublicBookimedIdea.meClarioPaycore ioRadioactivefilmmackeeperMorzaPine

The list of services that this includes:

Іконка галочка
Privacy Notice
Іконка галочка
Terms of Use
Іконка галочка
Terms of return and delivery of goods/services
Іконка галочка
Cookies Policy
Іконка галочка
Accessibility Statement
Іконка галочка
End User License Agreement
Іконка галочка
Assistance in Uploading the App to Google Play Market and App Store
Іконка галочка
Bringing commercial materials to compliance with EU and US customer protection laws
Іконка галочка
Assistance with reducing the chargeback rate.

Our Cases

We have more than 100 cases,so we put them on a separate page
View cases

Features of the AVITAR Team

Іконка стрілка-курсор
We know how the online business works from inside out
8 зірок розміщених по колу
We are an integral part of your team when entering the EU and US markets
Іконка блискавка
It is important for us to solve your business task, and not to impose a legal solution
We have experience in handling legal disputes on behalf of the client on US and EU markets
Двоє чоловіків і жінка сидять за столом і щось обговорюють
Чоловік і жінка стоять навпроти один одного і щось обговорюють
Чоловік і жінка сидять на підлозі в позі лотосаДвоє чоловіків і жінка сидять за столом і щось обговорюють

What Clients Say About our Work

Євген Хотянов, СЕО Bookimed
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

They're very good in GDPR compliance and user agreements. Our Bookimed team mates are satisfied dealing with Avitar

Evgeniy Khotyanov, CEO Bookimed

Дмитро Будорін, CEO та Co-founder Hacken
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

Efficient and effective. Our team has spent min time for explaining our needs and we received tailored and prompt work result. Highly recommend

Dmitry Budorin, CEO Hacken

Олег Лесов, CEO Softcube
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

 Avitar has been supporting our company Softcube since 2018. All this time, their advice was professional, comprehensive, and accurate. Avitar team has excellent expertise in GDPR and copyright law. It is a pleasure to work with them

Oleg Lesov, CEO Softcube

Микита Фурсов, Founder of 1Dea.me
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

The guys are very cool! Minimum of violence against the client, maximum result. In case they are not capable of doing the job, they will find who will - and this is very valuable. Highly recommended!

Nikita Fursov, Founder at 1Dea.me

Артур Кріцак, Co-Founder of InReepublic
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

Developed documents for a web platform that works in the US and Ukraine. Everything is high quality. We will contact more!

Arthur Kritsak, Founder of InReepublic

Євгеній Загнітко, CEO MORZA.co
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

Before meeting the guys, their recommendations. In my view, the development and scaling of the business was, it was necessary to rush, and then we will deal with putting in order the processes and documents

Eugene Kuzmin, CEO MORZA.co


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