Our industries

Game Development

Avitar has experience providing legal support to companies operating in the game development industry.

Legal Support for the GameDev Industry

Video games are part of the growing digital entertainment industry, which requires creative ways to blend traditional and modern media. Game development (GameDev) is the process of creating a game: from development and design to market release. These can be games for mobile phones, consoles, computers, and other gadgets.

Avitar has experience providing legal support to companies in the game development industry. We pay special attention to legal documents that need to be developed individually for each game. This will protect the developer and business owner from fines and claims from users and regulatory authorities, as well as protect players from fraud.

Additionally, each marketplace where games are hosted has its own requirements. Meeting these requirements is the task of lawyers. The gaming industry includes several directions - games for personal computers running Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS, and Linux operating systems; games for stationary and portable gaming devices (consoles), games for mobile devices, games for online platforms based on remote servers, virtual reality systems, and others.

Regardless of the platform on which the game is hosted, legal requirements for development, deployment, and product promotion must be met. Avitar helps companies meet industry requirements, publisher requirements, hosting platform requirements, as well as legal requirements that protect the user.

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Features of the AVITAR Team

Іконка стрілка-курсор
We know how the online business works from inside out
8 зірок розміщених по колу
We are an integral part of your team when entering the EU and US markets
Іконка блискавка
It is important for us to solve your business task, and not to impose a legal solution
We have experience in handling legal disputes on behalf of the client on US and EU markets
Чоловік і жінка стоять навпроти один одного і щось обговорюють
Двоє чоловіків стоять навпроти один одного і щось обговорюють
Двоє чоловіків тиснуть одне одному рукуЧоловік і жінка стоять навпроти один одного і щось обговорюють

Our cases

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What Clients Say About our Work

Олег Лесов, CEO Softcube
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

Avitar has been supporting our company Softcube since 2018. All this time, their advice was professional, comprehensive, and accurate. Avitar team has excellent expertise in GDPR and copyright law. It is a pleasure to work with them

Oleg Lesov, CEO Softcube