Our services

Contract Preparation for Dealing with Counterparties. Contract Law.

This is a system of legal norms regulating contractual relations.

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Avitar: Experts in Contract Management

Contract management involves preparation, development, negotiation, formalization of contracts, ongoing monitoring of their implementation, and analysis of the results. A contract must comply with regulatory requirements and comprehensively cover all interactions between the contracting parties.

Avitar has extensive experience in contract development and management. We prepare contracts of any complexity that fully consider business processes and risks specific to your business. We work on contracts for electronic document circulation with counterparts, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), foreign trade contracts, and more.

During the contract development process, we identify potential risks and ensure compliance with all contract provisions. When developing contracts with software developers, we consider all nuances of intellectual property rights protection and transfer.

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Features of the AVITAR Team

Іконка стрілка-курсор
We know how the online business works from inside out
8 зірок розміщених по колу
We are an integral part of your team when entering the EU and US markets
Іконка блискавка
It is important for us to solve your business task, and not to impose a legal solution
We have experience in handling legal disputes on behalf of the client on US and EU markets
Чоловік і жінка стоять навпроти один одного і щось обговорюють
Двоє чоловіків стоять навпроти один одного і щось обговорюють
Двоє чоловіків тиснуть одне одному рукуЧоловік і жінка стоять навпроти один одного і щось обговорюють

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What Clients Say About our Work

Олег Лесов, CEO Softcube
Побвійні відкриваючі лапки

Avitar has been supporting our company Softcube since 2018. All this time, their advice was professional, comprehensive, and accurate. Avitar team has excellent expertise in GDPR and copyright law. It is a pleasure to work with them

Oleg Lesov, CEO Softcube